Culture · Food & Cooking · Kindergarten · Living in Japan · Weekly Bento

Mommy Bento #3

One thing you learn while living in Japan is that the Japanese have this mild obsession with aesthetics that can go to the extreme sometimes. One of those extremes is the trend of something called charaben (キャラ弁) which is the shortened form of character bento. Some kindergarten’s ban these sorts of decorative lunches for one… Continue reading Mommy Bento #3

Culture · Food & Cooking · Kindergarten · Living in Japan · Weekly Bento

幼稚園入園式●Kindergarten Opening Ceremony

April 11, 2016 marked a huge turning point for my life here in Japan. Not just for me but my humble little family of three and it’s a wonder I made it through it all given the mountain of anxiety that kept piling up on top of me in the days leading up to kindergarten’s… Continue reading 幼稚園入園式●Kindergarten Opening Ceremony