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Starbucks’ Cantaloupe Melon & Cream Frappuccino

There is a ton of kindergarten things to blog about, but before I spam away there on a massive catch up binge…a little break from our normally scheduled programming.

I am and always will be a sucker for Japan’s unique flavor profiles and Starbucks sucked me in once again…with cantaloupe of all things.


I should have learned my lesson when I tried the Hokkaido melon Kit Kats once upon a time. The orange color chocolate and overly sweet smell wasn’t off putting enough but the fake cantaloupe flavor was gag worthy and I am not sure I even finished the entire box consisting all of four pieces. Give me a break indeed.

But did I learn my lesson? Of course not. My Gryffindor level curiosity (hello all you Harry Potter fans out there who understand this reference) prohibited me from letting this chance slip through my fingers. I really wish it had been a little more slippery because this was not worth the 630 yen I paid.

The drink itself sounds like it should be alright and consists of a milk-flavored panna cotta cream and a melon sauce containing pieces of actual cantaloupe mixed with the cream-based frozen Frappuccino component made with real cantaloupe juice, all topped with a generous serving of whipped cream. But hey, at least it is REAL cantaloupe and not artificial flavoring? Kudos to you, Starbucks.


I did drink it all and didn’t HATE it per say, but it is not something that I will be ordering again any time in the future. The bags are really festive and cute too, but Japan always has been good with aesthetics.

I asked a friend WHY on earth cantaloupe was considered a good idea, and he said that cantaloupe invokes a feeling of summer and Hokkaido. Summer in Hokkaido is cooler than the mainland and very pleasant, so this beverage was the perfect companion for the transition from spring to summer.

Okay Japan. Thanks but no thanks. I’ll stick to my iced chai latte from now on!

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